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1.1 The terms cover our policies. Following are the terms and conditions we apply when supplying vapes/ e-cigarettes to you.
1.2 Reason for reading terms and conditions.
Please read the following terms and conditions and understand all points before purchasing from us. It will help you get to know us, our products, how we deal with our customers, how we alter or change any contract, and what are your options when you face any problem in the order. Email us or contact us for clarification if you find any uncertainty and mistake in the following terms and conditions.
2.1 We are Power vape Shop, a trading name of our parent company, Power Vape FZ-LLC having a company number 4056258.
Office 205, SKB Plaza Umm Al Sheif , Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
2.2 Way to contact us. Feel free to contact us for anything at
Call Us at : +971 4 4518059
2.3 Ways how we can contact you. There may come times when we need to contact you. At such times, we can telephone, email, or send you a letter to your provided postal address.
2.4 What “writing”, “write”, “written” means. These words involve any means of writing. It can be emails and letters.
3.1 Our way of accepting your order. Our only method of receiving your order is through a confirmation email we will send you after you make a purchase. After that, we will build a contract between us (company) and you (client).
3.2 What happens when we can’t accept your order. There can be chances that we will not get your order for some serious reasons. Reasons can be like a product being out of stock, an error in price, an error in description, or hints that you’re not above 18. On such occasions, we shall email you to inform you about the cancellation of the order. You will not be charged for anything from our side.
3.3 Details about order number. We will allot you an order number after you make a purchase. It will help you locate your order anytime you may need it.
3.4 There are certain goods that we cannot sell within the EU. Because of the Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU), there are consumers resident in countries of the EU who are not obligated to sell some of the e-cigarette products. However, we can sell out all of our products on our website to all of the UK’s consumer residents and non-EU countries. If due to some unforeseen circumstances, we cannot send you the order or a specific product, we will notify you.
3.5 For the customers that are UK residents. If you’re someone who is a UK resident but lives out of the country, it is your responsibility to buy products from us that fulfill all the local laws of your country. And you shall take all the responsibility for importing those products into your country if any misfortune happens. Because we will not hold the responsibility for the products that will be sent from our side but are stopped at customs or any other clearing steps due to lack of legislation.
3.6 Customers above the age of 18. UK law tells us not to provide any of our products to customers under 18. Before processing your order, we must ensure that you fall under the appropriate age section.
4.1 Slight chances of products varying from website pictures. The visual views of a product live and on-screen are a bit different. The product pictures on our website are only for you to see the visible details of the product. We cannot guarantee how the product colours will display on your screen. Screen colours and temperatures vary from mobile to mobile, so there are chances that they may differ a little.
4.2 Packaging of the product may differ. There are chances that the packaging details of the product get changed. Sometimes you may not return the product just because the packaging is not alike.
4.3 Safety of the product. Before using our products, we advise you to follow all the instructions given on the package or product for optimal safety. There are chances that things can go unfortunate and risky when dealt with wrongly.
After buying a specific product, you may feel like changing it for some reason. If that happens, feel free to contact us. We will then see if the change is possible or not and notify you accordingly.
If the change is possible, we will let you know all the other details of the product change, such as the changes in price, delivery date, product processing time, or any other changes that will happen because of your product change request. After that, you can make your final decision on product change.
However, if we cannot make the product change, or you do not accept the terms of change, you can cancel the product change request (head over to clause 8 – Your rights to end the contract).
6.1 We have the right to make minor changes to the products. We can change the product:
(a) When there are some new changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements. For instance, at the points when the law requires packaging or design changes. To meet them we may change the product.
(b) When new technical alterations and modifications are needed. For example, some clients complained about the safety packaging issue of a product, and we may need to change it to overcome it. Such changes are not going to affect your product usage materially.
7.1 Delivery charges. The delivery charges are already shown on our website. It adds up to the total amount during your checkout.
7.2 When you will receive your product. As soon as you make the purchase, we’ll notify you of the order processing time about how much time you’ll receive the product. We will ensure that you will receive your order as soon as possible, and there will be no delay made by us intentionally. However, during some events, it is possible that the product delivery can take around 30 days after the order date.
7.3 We will not hold the responsibility for late product delivery due to reasons we can’t control. If the products are delayed from delivery due to some event that is not under our control, we will let you know and try our best to lower the side effects. However, if there exists a risk of substantial delay, feel free to end the contract and request a refund amount of the products that your ordered, paid, and or received.
7.4 What if you’re not home when the product is delivered. If due, for some reason, you’re unavailable at the delivery address, and the package cannot be delivered through your letterbox. The delivery service man will leave you a note writing the process of how to re-arrange delivery or how to collect your product.
7.5 If you do not collect your product or re-arrange the delivery. After 14 days of not ordering the product or not re-arranging the product delivery request, the product will be returned to us. After receiving the returned product, we shall contact you and may charge the storage costs applied on those 14 days. However, if somehow we cannot contact you, we can end the contract, and clause 10 will apply.
7.6 When the product will be your responsibility. As soon as the product is delivered to you, it will be your responsibility after that.
7.7 When can you call the products yours? When we dispatch your products from our end, you can call them yours.
8.1 Your right to end the contact with us. If you want to end the contract with us, feel free to request a termination of the contract. Your rights will depend on why you want to end the contract, i.e., the products are wrong, anything wrong with the products, our customer service, delivery service, or anything else.
(a) Suppose the item you ordered/bought is wrong, damaged, or misdescribed. You have the right to end the contract legally. Also, if you want the product to be replaced or repaired or cashback, read clause 11 for more details.
(b) You are unhappy with something we said or did and want to drop the contract because of that. Read clause 8.2 for more details.
(c) If you change your mind about the product or service, end the contract. There are chances that you can get a refund (it depends if you are in the cooling-off period). However, there can be some deductions that you have to pay on the product return.
8.2 The reason for your request for contract termination is something we said or told you that we’re going to do. If the reason is the following (a) or (c ), we will immediately end the contract and return the amount or deliver the products. The reasons can be:
(a) We misguided you with information, price, or description of a product you ordered.
(b) We supplied the products late due to some error that is outside of our control
If we did something wrong to you, you have a legal right and way of terminating the contract with us.
8.3 The right to change your mind according to Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013. The residents of the UK have a legal right to change their minds about most of the items purchased online within 14 days and get a refund of their payment. If you want to read these rights, they are explained in detail in these terms.
8.4 Guarantee of our cooperation. Note down that these terms and conditions are given to you by Power vape shop to its UK customers. Power vape shop is considerate to its UK customers more than the rights of Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 and will return the products within 30 days of delivery. Kindly ensure the products you are returning are not in use, used, and in a sealed pack in the original packaging. This guarantee by Power vape shop will not disrupt your legal rights for faulty or misdescribed products. You can read further details in clause 11.2.
8.5 What are the chances you cannot change your mind. There are some points where you cannot change your mind about the product. After you unpack or unseal the products, such as vape tanks and e-liquids, the exchange or return is not possible.
8.6 The time to change your mind? You have a time limit of 30 days after receiving your product to change your mind about it. However, if your total delivery package is split into multiple
deliveries that happen over different days. If something like this happens, you have a time limit of 20 days according to the final delivery of products.
9.1 Inform us if you want to terminate the contract. Kindly email us when you want to end the contract with us. Email us at along with your number, name, order number, and home address.
9.2 The returning of products. If you decide to end the contract after we have dispatched the products to you, return those products as soon as you receive them. Email us @ along with your number, phone number, order number, home address, and descriptive reason for product return.
If you’re changing your mind about the products you ordered, you have 14 days to think it through and decide. You must send us the product back without opening the package’s seal. Additionally, we advise you to send us the product back in a traceable method so that tracking it would be easy for you and us. Otherwise, in any case of a lost product or unfortunate situation, we will not be able to send your money back.
9.3 The time of paying the costs of return. Following are the reasons we will pay the fee of return:
(a) Products received are damaged, misdescribed, or faulty.
(b) we mentioned some upcoming changes to the product to you, a fault in the pricing of the product, some unfortunate delay that is not under our control, or we did something wrong to you, and you have the legal right of claim.
Besides these conditions, you need to pay the cost of return in all other conditions.
9.4 Way of refund. When refunding, we will return you the order payment amount, including the delivery charges of it. However, there are some conditions in which deductions can be applied. Read below.
9.5 Some deductions can apply when you are exercising to change your mind. If you are exercising your right to change your mind:
(a) if we notice any changing in the value or condition of the product, we may charge you with some changes in the refund of the price. Moreover, suppose we may not see the damage in the early stages of product return and notice that you handled the product inappropriately and unacceptably. In that case, you will be obligated to pay the price of the damage.
(b) We will refund the delivery cost maximum to the amount we cost by the least delivery method we offer. For example, if we cost ABC for delivering the product within 1 to 3 days, but you choose the other plan or fast delivery that charges XYZ for delivery within 24 hours. We will return you the price of ABC in return. Keep in mind that we only return the delivery charges if a mistake is made from our end.
9.6 The time of refund. We will return the product refund in a short time suitable to us. However, if you choose to exercise the change of your mind, we will pay the refund amount to you within 14 days (starting from the day you receive the returned product). For more information, see clause 9.2.
Our right to terminate the contract. We can terminate the agreement at any time and notify you by writing it to you. We will end the contract if you do not do it by the time limit or let us deliver the products to you or receive them timely.
11.1 Telling us about the product problem. If you feel like some things are disturbing your mind related to the products. Feel free to contact us @
11.2 Legal rights of yours. We will deliver the products in collaboration with the terms of this contract and your legal rights. This contract will not interrupt your legal rights.
11.3 Your commitment to returning products. If you are using your legal rights to reject the product, you must send the product back to us. For more details, see clause 9.2.
12.1 The price of the product. The product’s total price is mentioned on the order page, including the VAT amount. The special price on every product page is correct, and we take complete responsibility for it. For more details, read clause 12.3 to see what happens when an error occurs in the price.
12.2 The change in the VAT. If due for some reason, the VAT price changes between your orders, we will have to adjust the new VAT price that you will need to pay. However, in case you’ve already paid the product price completely, we will make no changes.
12.3 If somehow the price is wrong. Unfortunately, this is possible. No matter how much strenuous effort we put to keep everything balanced and correctly described, there are always chances of things getting upside down. Two things can happen if the price is incorrectly mentioned on the order page.
However, if we accept and continue an order where the pricing error is visible to everyone, in that case, we have a right to end the contract. We will refund you any amount you may have paid along with the return of the product delivered to you.
12.4 Way of payment and how to pay. We use the online banking system PayPal. We require an online payment receipt and clearance before dispatching your order from our side.
Your right of action is if you think the invoice is wrong. If you have doubts that the invoice is incorrect or mistaken, kindly contact us as soon as possible and share your troubling thoughts with us. After that, we will sort out the situation and not charge you interest till the issue is sorted.
13.1 We will hold responsibility for the predictable damage that we cause. If we fail to comply with any of these conditions in a foreseeable matter, we will be responsible for the loss. However, if we fail because of damage that is not foreseeable, we will not cooperate with the loss. The damage we’re talking about here is foreseeable if we can see it obvious that it can or will happen when the contract is being made. Both parties would have this damage in mind that it could happen or have previously discussed it.
13.2 We ensure that we never exclude or limit liability to you where things can go unlawful. The liability where there is an unfortunate death or injury occurred by the negligence of ours, our employees, agents, or subcontractors. Factors included in failure are fraud, breach of your legal rights (for more info, see clause 11.2), and fraudulent misrepresentation.
13.3 We do not hold the responsibility for loss in your business. We are selling our products to all of our UK customers for domestic and private usage. Nevertheless, we do not take responsibility for your losses and profit if you use our products for re-selling, commercial, or business purposes.
14.1 It is your responsibility as the customer purchasing goods from our Site to ensure that the goods you are purchasing are permitted in your country and not prohibited. In the event that your order is detained by customs, refused clearance and must therefore be returned to us, it will be your responsibility to cover the shipping cost for the goods to be returned to us.
14.2 Once the goods are returned to us and a full inspection is carried out to check that the goods are in a satisfactory resalable condition, you have the option of either a full refund (excluding original shipping costs) or re-delivery.
14.3 For all deliveries to locations outside the UK, you may be subject to import duties and taxes which are levied upon the delivery of such products to the specified address. You are solely responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. We have no control whatsoever in respect of any such additional import duties, taxes or charges levied and we cannot advise you what these may be. We suggest you contact your local customs office for further information prior to placing your order.
14.4 For all deliveries to locations outside the UK, you shall be deemed the importer and it shall be your sole responsibility to comply with all applicable local laws and regulations of the country to which the order is delivered. We are, in no way, liable to you or any third parties for any breach by you of any such laws arising from or in connection with the purchase of the products and/or our delivery of your order to you.
15.1 Our right to use your personal information. These are the points why we will use the information provided by you:
(a) To deliver the products to you.
(b) To proceed with your payment of products
(c) If you accept these terms during the order process, to provide you with information about similar products we are providing, you may have the right to contact us to stop receiving them.
15.2 Your personal information to third parties when the law is involved. We will not leak your private information to third parties other than in cases of law enforcement.
16.1 We have the right to transfer this term and condition agreement to another. We can share our rights and obligations under this organisation with someone else. However, if we do so, we will let you know by writing it to you, and this will not alter your rights and contract with us.
16.2 Consult us before transferring your rights to someone us. You can transfer your rights and obligations to someone else only if we agree to it when you write to us about it.
16.3 No other party has any right under this contract. This contract only involves you and us; no one else has the right to alter or enforce anything about this contract.
16.4 Our terms are legal, but if the court considers any of the terms illegal, the rest still matter and enforce. Every term has its place separately. If anything is prevailed by the law, it doesn’t mean all else has to. All other times will enforce with full right.
16.5 If any delays happen, we have the right to enforce this contract whenever we want. There can be times when we do not insist you agree on this term and condition right away. At such times, we still have the right to enforce this agreement at any time to you. If you do not follow any of these terms, or we delay taking steps against you for not following the contract, it does not mean we cannot take action. We will do all the things to take a step against you if you do not follow these terms
16.6 Laws apply to this contract and when you will need to proceed with any legal issues. The terms mentioned above in the agreement are governed by English law, and you and we have all the right to bring legal proceedings against the products in the English courts. However, if you live in Scotland, you have an option to get the legal proceedings to the English as well as Scottish courts. Moreover, if you live in the Northern Irelands, you can head to the English and Northern courts.
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